How did it all start ?

It started with the purchase of the company in which we worked with passion for many years, MERIAL, which later became Boehringer Ingelheim. The development of our professional activity led to an entrepreneurial thinking. During this period, the world has also been facing a global pandemic, affecting all of us, personally and professionally. It led us to reflect on our future, our desires, and our projects. In this context, the opportunity was present to engage ourselves in promoting added value products.

Who are we ?

This great adventure is being built around a group of friends, former colleagues from Merial (now Boehringer Ingelheim), who have extensive experience in the veterinary pharmaceutical industry. We started to meet regularly from the beginning of 2021 to set up our project, bringing our complementary skills altogether. Gradually, we build up the team and welcomed new profiles from outside, all equally motivated and involved in this mission. Today, 8 of us are embarking on this challenge in which we strongly believe and which we proudly present to you today.

Which project ?

Through our knowledge of the veterinary health sector, we are aware of the problems that exist for the various stakeholders. As far as the veterinarian is concerned, he or she must be able to carry out his or her work in good conditions, with the right resources, while being dependent on the products available on the market. For laboratories, they must find a balance between investments (R&D, innovations), profitability, service offer and the weight of competition. Finally, breeders must be able to manage their busy daily lives in the field as calmly as possible. All these stakeholders are keen to act for the health of animals, and we, Melchior Santé Animale, wish to help them. Our project is being built in several stages, starting with the promotion of the Vitalife product, which will accompany us for the launch of our entity. Then, once our organisation is well established, our aim is to identify products currently marketed in Europe, with a similar profile, which have their place in the veterinary therapeutic arsenal and to offer them to French veterinarians.

Why « Melchior Santé Animale » ?

Choosing the name of a company is always a delicate and subjective exercise. After having tried different acronyms, the association of the names of the people involved in the project, the variation of terms using the abbreviations 'Vet', 'Distri', 'Lab'..., we decided to start with a blank sheet of paper and to answer a question: 'What, beyond our desire to undertake, our common passion for the veterinary world and the pleasure we had in working together, makes a link between us on this project? During our reflections, one of us suggested naming our company by the name of the place where we have been meeting since the beginning of our adventure – “Melchior Philibert”. Everyone was in agreement. Thus, the first name of this merchant from Lyon took its place in the name of our company. Melchior is also a name charged with symbolism, being carried by one of the three Kings in the Nativity story. A certain analogy with our organization and our business was obvious: Melchior, the most experienced of the three Wise Men, brings a precious good from a foreign country, has confidence in the future and follows his lucky star. Then, the company 'Melchior Santé Animale' was born with a main mission to provide access to unique veterinary therapeutic solutions.

Melchior Santé Animale SAS

5 rue Victor Hugo,

69002 Lyon


+33 4 78 62 49 17
